TMJ Treatment -
Rockwall Crossing Orthodontics

Regain Normal, Comfortable Jaw Function

What Is TMJ? Not What You Think

Jaw Bone

You may have heard the term “TMJ” associated with a popping or clicking sound in the jaw. While they’re related, TMJ, short for temporomandibular joint, is actually the source of the disorder, not the condition itself. You have two temporomandibular joints—one connects your lower jaw to your skull on each side of your head, near your ears. Your TMJs are the hinges that enable you to open and close your mouth. If they’re popping, there’s a good chance you’ve developed a temporomandibular disorder (TMD). When you have TMD symptoms, look to us for effective TMJ treatment in Rockwall and Canton, TX.

The cause of TMJ problems varies, from unconscious or conscious teeth grinding (bruxism) to teeth misalignment (malocclusion) to emotional or physical stress. The symptoms can appear in many parts of your body, including your mouth, head, ears, neck, and upper body. As a highly skilled orthodontist, Dr. Bart Miller specializes in diagnosing and treating malocclusion and neuromuscular and skeletal conditions. He completed intensive training after dental school through an orthodontic specialty residency program. Through specially made mouthguards, orthodontic solutions and other dental appliances, he can restore normal, comfortable functioning of your jaw and allow you to fully enjoy daily life again.

TMJ Symptoms

  • Jaw pain and stiffness
  • Popping or clicking in the jaw
  • Headaches (including migraines)
  • Neck pain and stiffness
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Ringing or pain in the ears
  • Dizziness

Our TMJ Treatment Options

Dr. Miller offers several proven solutions for TMJ treatment in Rockwall and Canton, TX. One option is to fit you with a customized mouthguard. Dr. Miller does a thorough examination and imaging to assess your condition and determine your exact specifications. Using this information, he can have a mouthguard created that will fit you comfortably! You can wear your mouthguard during sleep or any time of day when you’re likely to grind your teeth, when feasible. This will reduce your teeth grinding and its effects—worn down tooth enamel and headaches—and improve your tooth alignment.

As an orthodontist, Dr. Miller is the most qualified specialist to provide you with Invisalign® clear aligners and traditional metal braces. Both options work exceptionally well at straightening teeth. Invisalign has the added benefit of discreet treatment through durable, clear plastic aligners. As noted above, tooth misalignment is a common cause of TMJ symptoms. When your teeth don’t fit together properly your jaws receive added stress. Over time, you’ll begin to notice it. Orthodontics can put your teeth back into alignment, alleviating your pain and other issues.

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